Visualizzazione post con etichetta Collezione Bongiani Art Museum. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Collezione Bongiani Art Museum. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 7 novembre 2024

Progetto Intenazionale Add & Return "Outsider Art Brut" dedicated to Jean Dubuffet 1901-1985


 Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea


Nuovo Progetto dedicato all’Art Brut di Jean Dubuffet  con l’opera a margine, Dhôtel nuancé d’abricot, olio su tela del 1947 – Courtesy Musée national d’art moderne Centre Pompidou di Parigi. - Card invito del progetto di Giovanni Bonanno, edit nel 2024



Progetto “Outsider Art Brut” 







Mostra Collettiva Internazionale, “Add & Return” per  il 40° anniversario della scomparsa di Jean Dubuffet (1985) e a ottanta anni esatti dal 1945.



“La vera arte è dove nessuno se lo aspetta, dove nessuno ci pensa né pronuncia il suo nome.L’arte è soprattutto visione e la visione, molte volte, non ha nulla in comune con l’intelligenza né con la logica delle idee”.

Un progetto Internazionale add & return dal titolo “Outsider Art Brut 2025” a cura di Sandro Bongiani dedicato all’Art Brut di Jean Dubuffet che già nel 1945 aveva coniato il termine “Art Brut” per descrivere le opere marginali di autori “outsider al di fuori  di ogni regola accademica e intellettualistica e per definire la natura soggettiva e personale dell’uomo e le enormi difficoltà del vivere.

Tutte le opere arrivate prima della scadenza saranno presentate in una mostra collettiva dal 25 marzo al 20 aprile 2025 presso la galleria interattiva “Sandro Bongiani Vrspace” di Salerno (Italy). -

Inviare la card matrice in cui intervenire (solo in formato verticale) per via postale all’indirizzo: Giovanni Bonanno, Via S. Calenda, 105/D 84126 SALERNO (SA).

Formato Max A4

Scadenza ultima del progetto, 23 febbraio 2025.

Tutte le opere ricevute saranno archiviate online presso la Sala 16 “Outsider Art Brut” 2025” del Bongiani Art Museum e conservate in permanenza definitiva presso la Collezione Bongiani Art Museum  per eventuali altre mostre da realizzare prossimamente.

Si prega di utilizzare questa immagine ad alta dimensione di 2560x3296 da scaricare, intervenire e rispedire a noi. Grazie per la collaborazione.

  matrice base in cui lavorare per fare l'opera


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Sandro Bongiani Contemporary Art



Project dedicated to the Art Brut by Jean Dubuffet with the margin work, Dhôtel nuancé d'abricot, oil on canvas 1947 - Courtesy Musée national d'art modernes Centre Pompidou in Paris.  -Invitation card of the project by Giovanni Bonanno, edit 2024


Project "Outsider Art Brut" 



International Group Exhibition, "Add & Return" for the 40th anniversary of the death of Jean Dubuffet (1985) and at exactly eighty years since 1945.


"True art is where no one expects it, where no one thinks about it or pronounces its name. Art is above all vision and vision, many times, has nothing in common with intelligence or the logic of ideas".


An international project add & return entitled "Outsider Art Brut 2025" by Sandro Bongiani dedicated to the Art Brut of Jean Dubuffet who already in 1945 coined the term "Art Brut" to describe the marginal works of authors "outsiders outside any academic and intellectualistic rule and to define the subjective and personal nature of man and the enormous difficulties of living.

All the works arrived before the deadline will be presented in a collective exhibition from 25 Marzo to 20 April 2025 at the interactive gallery "Sandro Bongiani Vrspace" in Salerno (Italy). 

Send the master card to be used (only in vertical format) by post to: Giovanni Bonanno, Via S. Calenda, 105/ D 84126 SALERNO (SA).        Max A4 format

Project deadline, 23 fevrier 2025.

All the received works will be archived online at Room 16 "Outsider Art Brut" 2025" of the Bongiani Art Museum  and kept permanently at the Bongiani Art Museum Collection for any other exhibitions to be realized soon.


 Please use this high size image of 2560x3296 to download, edit and send back to us. Thanks for your cooperation.


basic matrix to work on to make the work



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mercoledì 11 settembre 2024

Art Institute Chicago, Ray Johnson and the Last Dance of the Taoist Collages



A Look into the Art Institute of Chicago's Ray Johnson Collection
by Jenny Harris & Jessica Smith


After Chicago-area choreographer Sybil Shearer died in 2005, a box with unexpected contents 

was discovered tucked away in her attic.

It was filled with artworks—what the artist Ray Johnson called his Taoist Collages

—that he had mailed to her 50 years earlier. These collages were not simply a 

stand-alone mailing between two friends, but rather the precursors to Johnson’s 

mail art practice. They marked a pivotal moment in the artist’s career when he 

was using the postal system to disperse his early collages, works he called “moticos.” 

Researching these rediscovered works offered a new perspective onto Johnson’s 

ties to the world of dance while also shedding new light on the Art Institute’s 

own holdings of Johnson’s work...






One of 171 3-ring binders spanning the years of Johnson’s and Wilson’s respective lifetimes



 Ray Johnson Collections 

at the Art Institute of Chicago

We are thrilled to announce that the Ray Johnson Collections database at the Art Institute 

of Chicago is now available to the public both online and in person. This digital collection 

includes not only the database but also video tutorials, a usage guide, collection finding 

aids, selected images from the collections, and more. 




Queer Networks: Ray Johnson's Correspondence by Miriam Kienle, University of Minnesota Press, 

November 2023

A Book About Ray by Ellen Levy, MIT Press, October 15, 2024

Ray Johnson’s Elusive Dream: ‘I Want to Dance’ by Jenny Harris for the New York Times
The Unknown Ray Johnson Takes the Spotlight by Roberta Smith for the New York Times
Ray Johnson by Hilton Als for the New Yorker

34 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021
+1 (212) 628-0470 |




Evento segnalato da Archivio Ophen Virtual Art di Salerno (Italy).

Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea