mercoledì 19 giugno 2024

Ray Johnson by Hilton Als in The New Yorker, Craig F. Starr Gallery, fino al 29 giugno 2024.



Ray Johnson by Hilton Als 

in The New Yorker

See Ray Johnson: Paintings and Collages, 1950-66 at Craig F. Starr Gallery (5 East 73rd Street, Manhattan), now on view through June 29th.
Read about the exhibition in the
New York Times review written by Roberta Smith.

"If the late performer, artist, and conceptualist Ray Johnson (1927-95) was known to you primarily as a chief architect of Pop art, this show will come as a revelation—and a relief. Though in much of his work Johnson’s restless energy can be inspiring, one can feel fatigued by his desire to be heard, and noticed. But these exquisite paintings and collages are meditative: Johnson eschews words and symbols for shapes that are soulful and calm. And even as some of the incredible detail he gives to pieces like “Calm Center” (ca. 1949-55) is eye-boggling, you don’t get lost in Johnson’s bravura hand so much as you want to be close to the formal distance that haunts the work. Beautifully lit and laid out, this show is like a well-ordered dream, filled with care and tenderness."


Ray Johnson: Paintings and Collages 1950–66, Craig Starr, New York, New York, March 28 - June 29, 2024

Queer Networks: Ray Johnson's Correspondence by Miriam Kienle, University of Minnesota Press, November 2023
A Book About Ray by Ellen Levy, MIT Press, October 15, 2024

Ray Johnson’s Elusive Dream: ‘I Want to Dance’ by Jenny Harris for the New York Times
The Unknown Ray Johnson Takes the Spotlight by Roberta Smith for the New York Times

34 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021
+1 (212) 628-0470 |





Ray Johnson by Hilton Als 

in The New Yorker


"Se il performer, artista  concettualista Ray Johnson (1927-95) noto principalmente come capo indiscusso della Pop art, questa mostra sarà una rivelazione e un sollievo. Sebbene in gran parte del suo lavoro l'energia irrequieta di Johnson possa essere fonte di ispirazione, ci si può sentire affaticati dal suo desiderio di essere ascoltati e notati. Ma questi squisiti dipinti e collage sono meditativi: Johnson rifugge parole e simboli per forme che sono piene di sentimento e calme. E anche se alcuni degli incredibili dettagli che conferisce a pezzi come "Calm Center" (ca. 1949-55) sono sbalorditivi, non ci si perde nella mano virtuosa di Johnson tanto quanto si desidera essere vicini alla distanza formale che perseguita l'opera. Splendidamente illuminata e allestita, questa mostra è come un sogno ben ordinato, pieno di cura e tenerezza."

Vedere Ray Johnson: Paintings and Collages, 1950-66 alla Craig F. Starr Gallery (5 East 73rd Street, Manhattan), ora in mostra fino al 29 giugno.


Leggi la recensione del New York Times scritta da Roberta Smith.


Ray Johnson: Paintings and Collages 1950–66, Craig Starr, New York, New York, 28 marzo - 29 giugno 2024



Queer Networks: Ray Johnson's Correspondence di Miriam Kienle, University of Minnesota Press, novembre 2023

A Book About Ray di Ellen Levy, MIT Press, 15 ottobre 2024


Ray Johnson’s Elusive Dream: ‘I Want to Dance’ di Jenny Harris per il New York Times

The Unknown Ray Johnson Takes the Spotlight di Roberta Smith per il New York Times



34 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021

+1 (212) 628-0470 |



evento segnalato da Archivio Ophen Virtual Art di Salerno

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